LOVE this spread in a recent Country Living:

and I'm flattered they included Butterfly Jubilee in the mix (top right). I have that exact wallpaper in my library and while I am typically not a theme-y person, I've hung a few silhouettes on those walls.

These are silhouettes of my daughter, Clara. I made the top piece by combining two photos I had taken. The lower one was snipped in a matter of minutes by an artist wielding the biggest pair of scissors I have ever seen. I'm still in awe of the magic we witnessed when she perfectly captured Clara's profile while Clara sat patiently in front of her for just a few minutes!
I don't love all silhouettes, but good ones can be wonderfully mysterious and haunting. They represent that which once was, a fleeting moment in time, captured only by a shadow. I've always been fascinated by the Surrealist concept of the "phantom object" and good silhouettes possess this quality. Like this piece:

Rodney and I purchased this collage by Mike Miller at Yard Dog in Austin. Miller collects vintage photographs, cuts out the subjects in the photos, then reverses the images in his signature collages.
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